2011 Impact Statement Catalogue: A compilation of all completed Impact Statements for multistate research projects that terminated in 2011.
2012 Impact Statement Catalogue: A compilation of all completed Impact Statements for multistate research projects that terminated in 2012.
2013 Impact Statement Catalogue: A compilation of all completed Impact Statements for multistate research projects that terminated in 2013.
National Research Support Projects
NRSP008 (2008-2013): National Animal Genome Project
Western Region Projects
W-504 (2006-2011): Biology and Management of Spotted Wing Drosophila in Fruits
W1008 (2007 – 2012) Iris Yellow Spot Virus and Thrips in Onions
W1005 (2007-2012): Preventing Obesity in High Risk Families
W-1045: Agrochemical Impacts on Human And Environmental Health–Mechanisms and Mitigation
W-1150: Exotic Germplasm Conversion and Breeding Common Bean
W-1167 (2006-2011): The Changing Landscape of Women in America
W-1173 (2006-2011): Stress Factors of Farm Animals and Effects on Performance
W-1188: Characterization of Flow and Transport Processes in Soils at Different Scales
W-2001 (2007-2012): Rural Population Change
W-2002 (2008-2013): Nutrient Bioavailability
W-2003 (2008-2013): Motivating Calcium Intake in Children
W-2045 (2010-2015): Mitigating Agrochemical Impacts
W-2122 (2007-2012): Bioactive Dietary Chemicals
W-2128 (2009-2014): Microirrigation for Sustainable Water Use
W-2170 (2009-2014): Soil-Based Use of Residuals, Wastewater, and Reclaimed Water
W-2185 (2007-2012): Biological Control of Pests in Plant Systems
WCC-1006 (2006-2011): Management of the Mexican Wolf
WERA-020 (2006-2011): Virus and Virus-Like Diseases of Fruit Trees, Small Fruits, and Grapevines
WERA-027: Potato Variety Development
WERA-039: Coordination of Sheep and Goat Research and Education Programs for the Western States
WERA-040 (2007-2012): Monitoring Rangelands
WERA-060 (2007-2012): Management of Pesticide Resistance
WERA-066 (2006-2011): Integrated Management of Cereal Arthropod Pests
WERA-077 (2009-2014): Managing Invasive Weeds in Wheat
WERA-089 (2006-2011): Potato Virus and Virus-Like Disease Management
WERA-099 (2006-2011): Molluscan Shellfish Broodstock Management
WERA-102: Climate Data and Analyses for Applications in Agriculture and Natural Resources
WERA-1009 (2007-2012): Improving End-use Quality of Wheat
WERA-1012 (2008-2013): Volunteer Precipitation Monitoring