Western Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors


New Deans’, Director’s, and Administrators’ Orientation Planned

The Board on Agriculture Assembly (BAA) will be hosting a New Deans’, Directors’, and Administrators’ Orientation in Washington, DC on December 10-12, 2019. This event is aimed at administrators, individuals supporting administrators or faculty, and USDA-NIFA personnel having two years or less of experience in their administrative positions as well as any others who would … Read more

Making Sense of the Alphabet Soup

BAA, APLU, WAAESD, NEED, AHS, NIFA…trying to make sense of the alphabet soup of acronyms casually and expertly tossed around at meetings? Download our Acronym Guide!

Research Reporting: Why it matters and how to do it well.

Annual reports are the basis and foundational source material for the impact reporting conducted by science communicators at Land Grant Universities. In an effort to improve the quality of reports submitted to NIMSS, REEPort, the National Land Grant Impacts database and other databases by all research and Cooperative Extension personnel with reporting responsibilities, Sara Delheimer, … Read more

Regional Priorities (2012 – Present)

Since 2012, the Western Association of Experiment Station Directors (WAAESD) and the Western Extension Directors Association (WEDA) have conducted several surveys of their memberships to determine the most pressing issues, needs, and opportunities. Below we provide each of these previous priorities surveys for reference. 2012 Surveys: Western Extension Directors Association Regional Issues Scan, July 2012 … Read more