Western Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors


Making Sense of the Alphabet Soup

BAA, APLU, WAAESD, NEED, AHS, NIFA…trying to make sense of the alphabet soup of acronyms casually and expertly tossed around at meetings? Download our Acronym Guide!

WERA-77 (2009-2014): Managing Invasive Weeds in Wheat

Invasive Weeds Threaten Winter Wheat Yield & Quality Invasive weeds infest more than 20 million acres of winter wheat in the western US, costing growers over $500 million in yield losses each year.  Dense infestations of weeds can result in complete crop failure. Smaller weed populations decrease wheat yields and increase the amount of weed  … Read more

Research Reporting: Why it matters and how to do it well.

Annual reports are the basis and foundational source material for the impact reporting conducted by science communicators at Land Grant Universities. In an effort to improve the quality of reports submitted to NIMSS, REEPort, the National Land Grant Impacts database and other databases by all research and Cooperative Extension personnel with reporting responsibilities, Sara Delheimer, … Read more

W-2170 (2009-2014): Soil-Based Use of Residuals, Wastewater & Reclaimed Water

Reusing Waste Addresses Many Issues, but Major Obstacles Exist Millions of tons of municipal, agricultural, and industrial solid waste are discarded each year in the U.S. Often, these solid wastes are disposed of in landfills or incinerated, which is  costly to the industries and the public. Reusing solid wastes as soil substitutes, soil additives, or … Read more

Motivating Calcium Intake in Children (W-2003, 2008-2013)

Poor Bone Health Linked to Low Calcium Intake Among Adolescents Osteoporosis, or thinning bones, is responsible for over 1.5 million fractures each year. More than half of all Americans  over 50 years of age experience osteoporosis-related bone fractures, which can lead to long-term pain and impaired mobility. Health care costs associated with these fractures exceed … Read more

Volunteer Precipitation Monitoring (WERA-1012, 2008-2013)

Precipitation Data in Demand Recent widespread droughts and severe floods in the U.S. are reminders that fluctuations—especially extremes—in precipitation seriously impact the environment and society. For almost 125 years, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has monitored precipitation types and amounts, making it possible to prepare for variability and extremes. Using real-time and historic precipitation … Read more

Monitoring Rangelands

WERA-040 (2007-2012): This project has provided tools that help landowners and land managers assess the ecological status of rangelands and make management decisions that support the sustainability of healthy rangelands. Who cares and why? Rangelands in the western U.S. form a vast and varied landscape that provides important habitat for wildlife, grazing land for economically-important … Read more

Biological Control of Pests in Plant Systems

W-2185 (2007-2012): This project provided successful, cost-effective, and sustainable pest control in agricultural and natural settings by releasing, manipulating, and conserving the predators, parasites, and pathogens that attack harmful insect and weed pests. Who cares and why? Insect and weed pests cause serious damage to agricultural and natural areas, resulting in economic losses, environmental damage, … Read more

Preventing Obesity in High Risk Families

W1005 (2007-2012): This project has identified factors that contribute to obesity in young children and have developed innovative strategies and initiatives to help prevent and decrease obesity, especially in low-income and minority families with children. The proportion of the U.S. population that is overweight and the proportion that is obese have reached epidemic levels. By … Read more