Western Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors


Academic Directors

The Western Academic Program Section (W-APS)

The Academic Program Section (APS) is comprised of the principal officer(s) responsible for academic or instructional programs (undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education) offered by the faculty within colleges of agriculture and related disciplines. It is one of six sections within the Board on Agriculture Assembly (BAA) of the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU). The others are the Experiment Station Section, the Extension Programs Section, the Administrative Heads Section, the International Programs Section, and the 1890 Association of Research Directors. A representative drawn from the APS membership elected by the BAA delegates represents the Academic Program Section on the BAA Policy Board of Directors.

Academic Programs Section members represent 120 different institutions that include the 1862 land-grants, 1890 land-grants, 1994 land-grants, and 5 non-land-grant institutions. It also includes the 40+ institutions belonging to American Association of State Colleges of Agriculture and Renewable Resources (AASCARR). The AASCARR organization and its institutions are affiliate members of APS. Thus, in total, APS represents 160+ institutions having academic programs in agriculture, natural resources, life, and related sciences.

There are four regional sections of APS, the south, northeast, north central and west, and each of these are represented by an officer (ie, Past President, President, President-Elect and Secretary) on the Executive Committee. Elected officers have a 4-year commitment to the Executive Committee that begins with their tenure as secretary and progresses through president-elect, president and past president positions. A region ensures its representation on the APS Executive Committee by electing a new APS secretary once every four years.

A Field Guide to the Academic Programs Section (APS)

Important documents

Description and linkNotes
Association By-laws – PDF or DOCXRevised April 7, 2023
Association By-lawsRevised July 12, 2017
Association By-lawsAdopted July 16, 2003

Annual Director Meetings

2023Richland, WA, June 22, 2023Minutes
2022Concord, CA, June 29, 2022Minutes
2021Zoom Meeting, June 28, 2021Minutes
2020Zoom Meeting, June 30, 2020Minutes
2019Albuquerque, NM, July 10, 2019Minutes
2018Tumon, Guam, July 10-12, 2018Minutes
2017Portland, OR, July 11-12, 2017Minutes
2016Bozeman, MT, July 11-14, 2016Minutes
2015Breckenridge, CO, July 8, 2015W-APD 2015 Minutes
2014Reno, NV, July 10, 2014Minutes
2014Washington, D.C., February 27, 2014Minutes
2013Coeur d’Alene, ID, July 16-17, 2013Minutes
2012Denver, CO, November 12, 2012Minutes
2012Park City, UT, July 10, 2012Minutes
2011Washington, DC, March 3, 2011Minutes
2010Dallas, TX, November 14-16, 2010Minutes
2009Washington, DC, November 15-17, 2009Minutes
2009Blaine, WA, July 19-22, 2009Minutes
2008Chicago, IL, November 10, 2008Minutes
2008Fairbanks, AK, July 7, 2008Minutes
2007Jackson Hole, WY, July 16, 2007Minutes
2006Houston, TX, November 13, 2006Minutes
2006Monterey, CA, July 10, 2006Minutes
2005Washington, DC, November 13, 2005Minutes
2004Tumon, GU, June 21-23, 2004Minutes
2003New Orleans, LA, November 16, 2003Minutes

Academic Program Directors

Year Chair/ACOP Rep Chair-Elect/ Secretary Past Chair ACOP Executive Committee Rep
2024 Ricardo Mata-Gonzales (OR) Nancy Deringer (WA) Don Conner (NM) Claus Tittiger (NV)
2023 Don Conner (NM) Ricardo Mata-Gonzales (OR) Kate Moots (UOG) Claus Tittiger (NV)
2022 Kate Moots (UOG) Ania Wieczorek (HI) Claus Tittiger (NV) Kate Moots (UOG)
2021 Kate Moots (UOG) Ania Wieczorek (HI) Claus Tittiger (NV) Kate Moots (UOG)
2020 Claus Tittiger (NV) Kate Moots (UOG) Tracy Dougher (MT) Claus Tittiger (NV)
2019 Tracy Dougher (MT) Claus Tittiger (NV) Brian Warnick (UT) Tracy Dougher (MT)
2018 Brian Warnick (UT) Tracy Dougher (MT) Penny Diebel (OR) Brian Warnick (UT)
2017 Penny Diebel (OR) Brian Warnick (UT) David Shintani (NV) David Shintani (NV)
2016 David Shintani (NV) Penny Diebel (OR) Donna Brown (WY) David Shintani (NV)
2015 Donna Brown (WY) David Shintani (NV) Nora Smith (MT) David Shintani (NV)
2014 Nora Smith (MT) Donna Brown (WY) Cary Green (OR) Nancy Irlbeck (Chair of ACOP)
2013 Cary Green (OR) Nora Smith (MT) Joseph M. Broder (GA) Nancy Irlbeck (CO)
2012 Joseph M. Broder (GA) Cary Green (OR) Don L. Boggs (KS) Nancy Irlbeck (CO)
2011 Charles Boyer (CA-F) Joseph Broder (GA) Nancy Irlbeck (CO)
2010 Nancy Irlbeck (CO) Charles Boyer (CA-F) John Foltz (ID)
2009 Nancy Irlbeck (CO) Charles Boyer (CA-F) Charles Kinoshita (HI)
2008 John Foltz (ID) Nancy Irlbeck (CO) Charles Kinoshita (HI)
2007 Charles Kinoshita (HI) John Foltz (ID) Wes Holley (NM)
2006 Wes Holley (NM) Charles Kinoshita (HI) (Vacant)
2005 Annie King (CA-D) Wes Holley (NM) Eric Fritzell (OR) (retired)
2004 Erik Fritzell (OR) Annie King (CA-B) Marlene Hapai (HI)
2003 Marlene Hapai (HI) Erik Fritzell (OR) James Wangberg (WY)
2002 James Wangberg (WY) Marlene Hapai (HI) David Cox (AZ)
2001 David Cox (AZ) James Wangberg (WY) Annie King (CA-D)

Western Region Teaching Symposium Rotation

Host State Last Meeting Hosted Next Meeting Hosted
Colorado State 1992 2005
Utah State 1993 2006
Arizona 1994 2007
New Mexico State 1995 2008
Nevada 1996 2009
Oregon State 1997 2010
Idaho 1998 2011
Washington State 1999 2012
Wyoming 2000 2013
Hawaii 2001 2014
California 2002
Montana State 2003
Open 2004

Teaching Symposium Notes
2010 Western Region Teaching Symposium Notes


    1. Mental Health for Administrators, Faculty, Staff and Students (Support animals, etc.)
    2. Additional recommended resources:

Contact Us

Western Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors
5890 Brittania Drive
Reno, NV 89523
Phone: (307) 760-3319
