This section is for documents that may be useful to Directors and Administrative Advisers. Presentations from past meetings also may be posted here.
- Multistate Committee Update (March 2021) covering NIFA, federal budget and impacts. Feel free to use any part or modify as needed for your committee meetings.
- Writing and Understanding Impact Statements – Impact statements are critical to getting the importance of our work across to stakeholders.
- Overview of the Western Region Multistate Portfolio, March 2012.
CRIS Data & Graphs for the Western Region (from USDA – NIFA)
This information is of use to Directors in understanding the region’s portfolio and managing individual station efforts. The information is also used by the Western Multistate Review Committee (W-MRC) to evaluate progress of Western Regional Projects. The year shown is the year in which the report was prepared and provides CRIS data for three previous fiscal years.
- 2012 (2008-2010 data – no graphs)
- 2011 (2007-2009 data – no graphs)
- 2010 (2006-2008 data)
- 2009 (2005-2007 data)
- 2008 (2004-2006 data)
- 2007 (2003-2005 data)
- 2006 (2002-2004 data)
Western Joint Summer Meeting Planning Guide (click on items to download a Word or Excel file)
This planning guide was developed by Montana State University in preparation for the 2002 Joint Summer Meeting. It may be used by other member institutions as a guide to plan for future meetings.
- Table of Contents
- Agenda planning
- Agricultural tour
- Companion activity
- Entertainment
- General information
- Gift bags
- Invitation letter
- Labels
- Lodging
- Mailing list
- Meals
- Meeting
- Other invitees
- Participants
- Registration
- University labels
- WDA meeting
- For information after 2012 go to and sort by participation
- 2011 Multistate Research Fund Summary [All States-bookmarked PDF] & Summaries By State: